Sudung Rekah
Jakarta / 2024
Based on data from HREIS and BP Tapera, in 2021, there was a backlog of home ownership amounting to 12,715,297 households. When this data is divided by income type, there are 6,193,779 households with irregular income or working in the informal sector. Furthermore, according to a release from the Ministry of Public Works and Housing on February 24, 2022, 93% of the home ownership backlog is dominated by the informal MBR segment, which tends to have more difficulty accessing subsidized housing loans from banks. Moreover, when discussing potential demand based on income range, data from the Susenas KOR indicates that in 2021, the data was dominated by the income group of 2-4 million, with a total of 5,581,103 households. So, which age group dominates the backlog figures? According to data from Susenas KOR, the answer is the millennial group, with 5,800,779 household heads. Then, based on the method of acquiring housing, data from the Susenas BPS from 2004 to 2019 shows that building one's own home is the most dominant method, which has experienced a continuous upward trend. This self-building method can be assumed to be a form of freedom for the owner in determining costs, quality of space, and buildings.Based on data describing the groups that dominate the backlog of housing ownership and the methods of acquiring residences, two fundamental questions arise that serve as the foundation for the design of SUDUNG REKAH, namely: Besides being intended for living, can a house also serve as a means to enhance the economy of its occupants? In response to the characteristics of the millennial generation, who tend to get bored easily, enjoy trying new things, and adapt quickly, what kind of freedom can a house design offer to support the needs and expressions of its occupants?
Imam Supratiko